To make glue you need to "use" cord near a fire. (get cord from using wool)

You want it sooner without map or later even with map?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
Sooner! | 19.40% (39) | |
With map! | 73.13% (147) | |
NEVER, bother off!!! | 7.46% (15) |
201 votes cast
To make glue you need to "use" cord near a fire. (get cord from using wool)
HudaJan has written
I have a message for you. This was my first and last mod in Stranded 2. And don't wait even for patch for this mod. I'm fed up with it.
As I said... don't expect fix patch :(, but feel free to edit, distribute my mod like you want

But sorry for the scripts, they are messed up....(especially the file forestnatives.s2s)
Re: Kidnap Mod
You can also cheat sulfur rock with script
EDIT: some guest (unfortunatly I don't know who) has uploaded Kidnap mod on NON-CZECH site filally
He also fixed some small bugs. I haven't try it, I hope it helps
edited 1×, last 18.05.08 12:41:08 pm
P.S. Your mod inspired me to get off my ass and finish my mod!

Ok here it is;10258941;/fileinfo.html
edited 1×, last 18.05.08 03:02:16 pm
Re: Kidnap Mod
Guesti looked into combinations file but when i try to combine materials nothing happened even if my wc skill is high.
oh great mot btw
(sorry if its already posted)
Ah never mind, I will have a look at sys folder.
examine slideshows I say it always

with saw

Re: Kidnap Mod
Guestcomon mates i cant do the quest coz i cant make planks and for planks i need saw.
but i cant make saw. as i said before i checked sys folder but nothing happens when i combine items for saw. help pls
Re: Kidnap Mod
BTW: the combination IS there page two

edited 1×, last 18.05.08 09:43:58 pm

(Besides, normal mod is bit easy to me)
2. Yes, I could hear people in conversation. (Is this what you mean?)
3. object - The wood house was fine. item - I can't say whats my favorite... unit - Wow, the bowman was wonderful! (For some people criticize, I'm noob modder)
4. The seller at the second village. His name was K what.
2) No I mean music. soundtrack. Perhaps you missed a post with link on soundtrack:
4)His name is Gikafun

see my signature

HudaJan has written
Few questions on you:
1) I made the quests and generally all the game(I mean adventure) pretty hard. Do you like it so, or would you like easier?
2) Tell me, is the soundtrack working??
3) What is your favorite item, what is your favorite object, what is your favorite unit
4) Who is your favorite person of the Village?

1: hard? this mod isn't hard at all... it just need some time and "keeped-open-eyes"
2: soundtrack is great! i love the tiny music of the main menu
3:The palace(it's spelled rightly?) / the saw /the-evil-guy-hidden-in-the-bamboo-plant
4:The 2 kids! (i wanna kill 'em...i'll do it later...)
Owerall:Cooooooool mod! i like it!
HudaJan has written
Few questions on you:
1) I made the quests and generally all the game(I mean adventure) pretty hard. Do you like it so, or would you like easier?
2) Tell me, is the soundtrack working??
3) What is your favorite item, what is your favorite object, what is your favorite unit ??
4) Who is your favorite person of the Village?
1) I made the quests and generally all the game(I mean adventure) pretty hard. Do you like it so, or would you like easier?
2) Tell me, is the soundtrack working??
3) What is your favorite item, what is your favorite object, what is your favorite unit ??
4) Who is your favorite person of the Village?
1) It's a bit hard for me, but I like the way it is. It lasted for several days and I'm still on it!
2) The soundtrack is awesome. I love it, especially the menu music. The whole thing adds a good atmosphere to it.
3) My favourite item is the love arrow. I'm a hippy!

My favourite object is the bin. And the bamboo fence. Oo and the palace. Actually I like all the objects!

My favourite unit is the hidden bamboo spy- except he always kills me!!
4) My favourite villegers are the two having a conversation, it makes it a lot more realistic (which is why I love this mod) The children playing are a nice effect too.
Well done!!

2) Ok, and do the soundtrack works on the start and with the entering to the Forest village??