
You want it sooner without map or later even with map?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
Sooner! | 19.40% (39) | |
With map! | 73.13% (147) | |
NEVER, bother off!!! | 7.46% (15) |
201 votes cast
You can get the cord from either cotton plants (looks like dried up bush with lots of white puffy balls on it) or by shearing the wool from sheep. To do this, just right-click on the sheep.
Then you will need to use the wool or cotton in order to create the thread/cord.
SO. . .
(1) First pick cotton balls or get wool from sheep.
(2) then use the cotton or wool to make thread/cord.
(3) then use the thread/cord near a fire and it will produce glue--1 bottle for each thread/cord.
Hope this helps.
Now for completely different issue (I think this should be in a new thread, but the site won't allow it. . .)
HudaJan, is it possible that something happened to the spawn control with your (most excellent) Kidnapped mod?
I am playing in "random Island" mode and just ran across 11 lions and 4 raptors--right outside my camp. I took a "suicide run" to check it out and there seems to be one raptor and two lion spawn sites in this part of the island (big sized).
I have also noticed that the parrots are reproducing wildly along with the "big black birds" that float way up. Now, for example, there are probably 10 of these birds all clumped together in one "bird blob."
I saw someone referring to a spawn control. Is it possible that this might have been changed in your mod, or did I just get lucky and end up with a corrupted file somewhere?
Thank you for this great extension. I especially like the new use for bark--it keeps the inventory down to a manageable level, without "throwing out" a hundred bark at a time. . .
And (another question):
Am I right in assuming that the stone storage went away because stones don't disappear when you drop them? That is, if I drop sticks or food they will disappear eventually, but rocks seem to just sit there. . .
And (finally, I promise this is the last question today!) it seems that the planks should be able to be saved in the wood storage. Is there a line somewhere that I could change so that planks can be stored there as well as sticks, logs and bark?
Thank you for your continuing patience. I do enjoy your extension--it has become my new "default" extension. So please take these questions as praise--they are intended to be--because I have come to expect that your extension is remarkably low in errors.
(oh, by the way, it would be so cool if you could hang out on the big flat roof of your awesome new stick houses! Party Central--with a view!)
edited 1×, last 05.01.09 10:55:23 pm
srry for bad engels
what part of the script would i have to edit to do that?
rewrite the number with any you want (in miliseconds)

process "reloading";
play "crack2.wav",15;
play "crack1.wav",15;
freevar "$sht";
if (playergotitem(29)>0) { play "thomp.wav",10;
setrot "unit",1,$pitch,$yaw,0;}
which number do i replace?
So do
process "reloading",1000;
and it'll be 1 second. Or you can replace it with whatever you want..

simple as...

NOT into the mods folder,
if you have extracted correctly and it asks you to overwrite some files go "yes to all"
hope you understand...

edited 1×, last 10.01.09 05:28:26 pm
HudaJan has written

I'm sorry, but developing of the taxi extension is frozen right now...