-Cooking System
-Forging System
-The Anvil
-The Desk
-Fishing System (*cough* Totally stolen from Colonel's mod...

-All the new buildable structures\new items\ect
And once more, with detail this time...
Basically, you can still make any food. However, some of those foods will have stats changed (namely bread) to no longer be the Holy Grail of Food.
Instead, by combining food items you'll be able to make *real* food (meals\salads\ect) which will increase your cooking skill, unlocking new recipes\dishes\ect. For example, bread will only remove 1/3 of your hunger. However, Berry Bread (made by combining bread dough with 5 berries) will be much more filling.
There will be a number of different recipes for salads, sauces, coatings, meals, drinks, ect. The reason you'll want to go to all this trouble is because many food items will reduce both stats greatly, some will even reduce your need to sleep, others are very healing, some tea's can stop poisoning, ect.
Along with that, all liquids will require some sort of carrying container. Livers from monkeys, lions, raptors, sheep all can serve as a carrying container, as will Pottery made from clay (can be found in those brown rocks), glass bottles (from the start, they will not be creatable unless I can get a model for a kiln), skins made from leather and thread, ect.
All liquid containers will be given back after use, ie; you can fill a leather skin with water, drink it a day later, and you'll get the leather skin back.
There will be MANY multiple ways to create items. A spear can be a stone + branch + vine or a stone + branch + cotton thread, just as an example. Most tools will have 3 levels (stone, iron, steel).
Mining is be a skill that allows you to prospect the Earth with a shovel and dig up deposits of iron, coal, tin, copper, and other metals.
The two new structures, the Desk, and the Anvil, are not so much production as they are "helpful".
Think of them as in-game encyclopedias. The anvil when used allows you to view all your Forging recipes you've unlocked for tools and all that, while also serving as a requirement in certain tools but that is a lesser function (make sure you put it near your fire).
The desk allows you to view all the cooking recipes you've unlocked and other things. For example, after killing an animal, you can go to the desk and look at the entry on that animal for information on "about" how many hits it takes to kill with a spear throw or arrows, and what it gives.
-about one spear throw
-about four arrows
Gives small meat, fat, skin, and misc
Very fast
Bones are also dropped by animals and can be used as substitutes in some items. IE: A spear can be made using branch, bamboo, or a bone. As I said, LOTS of ways to make one item.
Spears are one item. Right click, a message will say what mode you are in. Right click again to switch modes. "Throwing" changes the spear into a throwing spear, so be careful. "Stab" acts like any other tool.
Obviously there are more changes planned. So yea. Colonel, do you have any problem with me using your fishing system? Obviously I'm not going to copy the actual code, but it'll be similar enough that people are likely to notice.