This mod look like the hero's life
And... sorry because of the object bug, icant fix it by myself!
Some systems in mod

You can train your level by killing zombies,headcrabs,snarks... and other player
The maximum level is 150
when you reach 150 levels, you cant up your level to 151, so that you can change your 10 levels and 500k for 1 armor or weapon point
You can get money by killing zombies,....

You can up your armor and weapon point in the city(npc upgrade armor and weapon) but you cant up to 11 by this way
You can up higher 10 points by change your levels and Gold (10 levels + 500k= 1 point)
Armor point help you up your maxhealth
Weapon point healp you more stronger

This mod has 3 classes ( thanks DC for his classes.lua, i edited it for this mod)
Each class has 3 skill and you can up your skill level at npc in city ( skill maximum level is 10)

You can take a business trip at the npc business (near the business horse in city)
1 trip cost 500k and your mission is go to other city and complete
You can get more money when you complete the business trip

!info <id> (see other player's infomation)
Ex: you want to see player has id 1
!info 1
!lvlsell <id> <lvl> <cost>
+ id: the player's id you want to sell level
+ lvl: number of level you want to sell
+ cost: how many money for your sell-levels
Ex: you want to sell 10 levels cost 100k for id 1
!lvlsell 1 10 100000

!kick <id>
use to kick player
!kill <id>
use to kill player
!bring <id>
use to bring player to you
!goto <id>
use to go nere player
use to leteport to mouse position
All MOD's commands
use to open X2 EXP time
use to close X2 EXP time
!sk1 <id> <n>
use to set skill 1 of player , n is about 1-10
!sk2 <id> <n>
use to set skill 2 of player , n is about 1-10
!sk3 <id> <n>
use to set skill 3 of player , n is about 1-10
All ADMIN's commands
!money <id> <money>
use to give money for player
!level <id> <level>
use to give level for player
!armor <id> <armor>
use to give armor point for player
!weapon <id> <weapon>
use to give weapon point for player
I hope you like this mod!

Dont worry about the npc! it does'nt make lag, i used spawn npc by lua and if it's more than 100 npc in the map, it stop spawn npc
Becareful! When the player spawn, if player's ping more than 500, he will be kicked (i made this just because save the server from lagger)
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Have fun!
Sorry, i bad at English.
edited 5×, last 24.02.12 05:28:23 am
Approved by EngiN33R
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