I'm not saying i make new splash, just i use it and like.
to @moderatarzz : If you see it too bad or just search something similar, so - just warn me and i gonna delete it..
Tenkz angive fanok?
/edit 1: darker panel place.
/edit 2: added new splash with tac nayn.
/edit 3: added new splash with sandy cat.(tell me if it's has another name in comments) -- this splash is not removing effect of the original nyan, it's 100% new image, i've made it from 0.
/edit 4: added new splash with nyan loca.
/edit 5: panel moved a bit bcs of the symbol near login (» USGN name) that i didn't noticed! ( thanks to @ Talented Doge: )
/edit 6: added new splash with valentine cat.
edited 13×, last 30.06.16 08:00:27 pm
Approved by Infinite Rain
140 kb, 530 Downloads