
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > [px20] Portable Objects v1.0
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English [px20] Portable Objects v1.0 >

2 comments4 kb, 396 Downloads

old [px20] Portable Objects v1.0


Hello us sgn users, I want to show you my new script, called "Portable Objects".

To stream video:

> Description <
Tired being covered by freezing obstacles / objects like a box? Now you can move the box anywhere, if your enemy keep hiding behind the box, you can break it just like env_breakable!

∗ Features ∗
• Configurable obstacle / object image, breakable / shootable, health, explode when broken, image path, size, etc.
• A sound when you are breaking it or you broken it.

∗ Usage ∗
How to add Portable Obstacles / Objects? Follow the steps below!
Spoiler >

illegal Rules illegal
You are allowed to attach or plug into your own script.
You are allowed to play it on your own server.
You are allowed to share it with my permission.
You are allowed to edit the configuration only.
You are allowed to edit all with my permission.
You are not allowed to claim it as yourself.
Please tag me if you attach this in your own script.

spam Change logs spam

spam Known bugs spam
Version 1.0 release >

spam What's new in next version? spam
The objects will collide another objects.

off-topic Installation off-topic
First step : Download this script.
Second step : Extract .zip file into your CS2D file.
Last step : Play with sv_luaserver

Note: this archive not include servertransfer.lst, so make it yourself (only testpo / box image).

This file archive will be edited much times.
P.P.S.: If you don't understand, sorry for my English.
P.P.P.S.: If you found any bugs, please report it to me with comment in this file archive, any reports is my pleasure.
edited 1×, last 13.02.17 09:48:50 am
Approved by Yates

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4 kb, 396 Downloads


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Angel Montez
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I like it!
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