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English Teleport Command # HC 1.9.4 >

7 comments87 kb, 34 Downloads

old Teleport Command # HC 1.9.4

Mami Tomoe
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This is a simple module that you may implement into file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.4 .
Other versions of the framework (such as file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.3 ) may work, but might require tinkering.

This module will implement the "teleport" feature.
Said feature allows pre-configured staff members to teleport player A to player B.

The feature is available as both a say command and a menu command.

This functionality is especially useful for non-standard servers, that may require teleporting players by staff for whatever reason.

As this module is specifically made for file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.4 , it cannot work independently, but, that also means that it should work seamlessly.

You may manually disable either the say or the menu command from the module file.
You may change the required staff level to use the command from the HC config file.

Usage video:

edited 6×, last 23.03.25 03:04:49 pm
Approved by Gaios

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87 kb, 34 Downloads


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It would be good to having !back <id> command after player is being teleported, then u nil x,y saved on teleporting once u used "back" command. This extension might be much more useful.
Aside everything up mentioned for those (like me) who don't understand HC framework (and never tried) it would be useful to include that module.
I like it!


Mami Tomoe
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@user NanuPlayer, you may have missed my point.

In the first line of the description for this file, I make the claim that this is a simple file.
No one said that it wasn't, but a file being simple does not make it useless.

One could argue a cup is a simple contraption, but could you see life being the same without cups? How about spoons?
Do you begin to understand that measuring how useful a file is by how long it took to make it makes no sense?


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No, but what you just made is a simple script that anyone can make so it's not worth uploading it, also it's useless, so yeah if you are new at scripting you can join unrealsoftware discord server, you might find some people who can actually help you with scripting instead of this mess


Mami Tomoe
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I believe that rating how useful a file is solely based on how long it took to make is wrong.

A file is useful if it serves a purpose that has not been previously served by previous files.
As there are no other files that allows teleporting players (without additional bloat), this file is one of its kind, and thus, is useful.

A file may also serve a purpose if it builds upon an existing file such as fixing a known issue, but that is unrelated to this file.


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Please put in more effort on your work, not a 1 minute made script
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