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English Reset Score Command # HC 1.9.4 >

9 comments237 kb, 27 Downloads

old Reset Score Command # HC 1.9.4

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline


This is a simple module that you may implement into file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.4 .
Other versions of the framework (such as file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.3 ) may work, but might require tinkering.

This module will implement the "reset score" feature.
Said feature allows for players to reset their score, deaths and assists using a say command.
For some reason, I could not find another file doing the same thing, I may have misused the search function on the archive.
Differently from existing scripts, this also resets the assists, which are a relatively new feature to CS2D that most scripts on the archive do not account for.
This file also adds the command as a valid HC 1.9.4 say command, and thus does not break existing functionality within the framework.

As this module is specifically made for file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.4 , it cannot work independently, but, that also means that it should work seamlessly.

Usage video:

edited 11×, last 23.03.25 03:05:13 pm
Approved by Gaios

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237 kb, 27 Downloads


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Mami Tomoe
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I actually edited the explanation and added even more context

Read it, if you wish.


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@user Mami Tomoe: Alright, now I got it. Thanks for the explanation))


Mami Tomoe
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@user Hajt: short answer? Not really.

Long answer?

HC Admin Script is a framework and should stay basic and barebones with only the essentials.

People who later want to extend functionality may use uploaded modules such as this one.

In general, uploading all modules in the same file would make it harder for people looking for a particular feature to find what they're looking for.
After all, that's not how the search function in the file archive works.
I'm sure little Timmy, looking for a reset score module, would search for "reset score" in the archive, not knowing about "HC Admin Script Modules", wouldn't find anything and simply create a new thread.

This is about accessibility, modularity and the ability to properly describe, document and develop each module independently.

This separate uploading strategy both brings awareness for the framework and allows developers to easily find what they're looking for.
By the way, this is already a well established strategy as can be seen by searching for "Y.A.T.E.S" on the file archive. I'm not the first to do this.


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It's not that I have anything against Mami's job. But wouldn't it be better to combine all these modules into file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.4 ?


Mami Tomoe
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The cute thing is that I made these modules years ago, on demand, from people who agreed to use HC (in response to my suggestion).

Demand? Yes, there's a demand for these scripts, at some point in time, someone wanted these modules, and now their servers are long gone, but why should my hard work be gone too?
Not all of these modules are grand and impressive, but take a simple look at the kinds of requests people have on this forum or on the Discord server, and you'll see that people often like asking for simple modules to piece together their own custom server.

What's better than having said pieces that are easily integrable into a decent framework?
I sure would've loved future me for doing this (over) a decade ago, when I was struggling with how to make an image show on the screen (thread cs2d GFX and SFX (hud)).

Wouldn't having these modules easy to access and use also benefit to new scripters who are still new? To learn from a decent framework with proper code, instead of a scrapped function in a help thread from 20 years ago?
Wouldn't this be useful to people who primarily map, but would like to integrate a small script to complete their mapping dreams?

Need I say more?

This simple script already reached 13 downloads, sure, not all 13 of those people will use the script, but what if at least one uses it? Wouldn't the upload had served its purpose by then?

Why rewrite the same module in a thread every time someone asks for it, when you can upload it for everyone to use/reference?


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@user Hajt: And let me know if your 1-minute script has all the stuff related to permissions and groups like file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.4 has.

I like that user Mami Tomoe is trying to make ecosystem of that at least.


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I like it!


User Off Offline

Yeah but not everyone can write it for the HC framework. The small resetscore script can make others understand how to work with the HC framework and also include modules that they need without making their own
I like it!


User Off Offline

It seems a bit unnecessary to upload a script that's so simple that any beginner Lua scripter could write it in just a minute.

function _say(id, message)
  if message == "!bc" then
    parse("setscore " .. id .. " 0")
    parse("setassists " .. id .. " 0")
    parse("setdeaths " .. id .. " 0")
    return 1
addhook("say", "_say")
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