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English Ninja_Assassins CT skin *Assassin* Update 1.1 >

11 comments6 kb, 446 Downloads

old Ninja_Assassins CT skin *Assassin* Update 1.1

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Hey guys this is another one of my ct skins and it is a Assassin for ct2 that i thought of when i was thinking of ideas for new skins. NOTE: rename the skin ct2 then replace the original file


I have made a blue, green, red and yellow visor to make it look cool and a grey suit for night time ops (jokes but it is pretty good for when you make low brightness tile maps) No images for green, yellow and red visors


You can: Edit it, Upload a edited version (credit me for original), Use it (XD had to write that) and you can also tell your friends (had to do that as well)

You can't: Do anything i haven't stated above

∗Other Skins∗

Ninja_Assassins CT skin *Jungle camo*

Request a skin that you want me to do and i will do my best to make it!
edited 4×, last 15.06.11 07:15:07 am
Approved by GeoB99

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6 kb, 446 Downloads


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@The Killer23 its a freaking assassin you knob the difference is ninjas don't have coloured visors and they wear a specially made suit (forgot what its called) and he's more of a futuristic assassin (thats why his helmet has a visor)

@Rambofox hehehe lol


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Looks like something from Futurama.


Le fantome
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is that a ninja ? you are kidding


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please explain how it isn't good enough


Le fantome
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not good enough its fucking an idiot stupid skin
edited 2×, last 16.06.11 08:27:42 pm


Assassin moder
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Very good job!

I use it for my nick
I like it!


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@Cyrille Yukimaru

im not sure i can make a skin better than you but i guess i could try (im pretty bad at guns)

EDIT: can you please post the link? might help

EDIT2: ok i found it so you want me to remake it the way i would, a certain way or surprise you?
edited 2×, last 15.06.11 01:53:11 pm


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Remake my M4A1 Black Wing.. Its one of my first weapon set..
I like it!


Mappack Master
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That is cool im going to use that with my new map

btw: can you make him with a red visor? thanks
I like it!


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like it says in the description at the very bottom if you want a skin just write a request


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good skin
new idea for CTS,would be nice if it were to TRS
I like it!
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