Wolfman SplashGokhanG User Offline 14.08.11 11:19:36 pm Hello My used Adobe Fireworks Have FUN Approved by GeoB99 (19.06.16 01:37 pm) Download 427 kb, 475 Downloads
maPmaKer User Offline 03.12.11 06:21:00 pm I will never understand this obsession to put links onto images. Just freakin' strange. Now, it looks good, but I won't like it 'cause there's a link, so sorry pal.
xSkyLordx User Offline 27.11.11 04:25:03 pm @ buraxia3: Yes, stop adding adversite. But Splash is good I like it!
buraxia3 User Offline 17.08.11 09:14:00 pm Nice splash but stop adding advertise. It's making it shit and i'll give less point. I like it!
Xanamaros User Offline 15.08.11 02:07:40 pm Lovin' hope to see alot more 5 stars man, keep up this awesome stuff! I like it!
Homam User Offline 15.08.11 01:47:08 pm Should you put cs2dturkiye.org in the picture? I think... NOT! 3/5... I like it!