point system error when started(attempt to call mp_infammo(a nil value))
you don't need wrapper anymore, because all wrapper has been added to pointscript.lua
Enemy Down message when bot killing, it annoying when there is a too many bots
Exploding Bullets(*Updated*) (12) by Jynxxx
Scope Position
Change say system by say system(say: !say "saysysid" "colorid")
now there is a 30 level
if you died, you recieve xp. if you kill, not recieve xp
xp animation
settings menu(F3)
you need level 3 to use say system
add xp animation
killbot message bug
weapon bug(if somebody spawn, it will cause your weapon and armor full)
2 language(indonesia and english. only can choiced when change team)
killing and dead message
addtional weapon(pick one or more weapon)
and more
now first resetscore is 3
now adding level more easy
now we have 25 level
updated reqlvlup, now using table
and more
release point system
How to Install:
extract pointscript.lua and "xp system"(without quotes) folder at sys/lua folder to <cs2ddir>/sys/lua
open server.lua and wtite this at end of server.lua
close and save server.lua and the lua has been installed
Use it at your server
Edit it w/o my permission(but don't reupload on
Say MikuAuahDark made it
Reupload at another site but put me at credits
Say this is yours
Re-upload again at unrealsoftware
MikuAuahDark - The idea
EngiN33R - He help me alot on scripting(Scope position for example)
Jynxxx - Thanks for the Exploding Bullets(*Updated*) (12)
Older version can be found here
Don't delete xp system folder because level, xp, kills, deaths, resetscore, and explode bullets are saved in xp system folder
When you find bugs, just leave comment here
Changelog on v0.5
Weapon unlock(inspirated by SQ's Zombie Plague Script (v 1.15) (203))
Allinfo(F3 > Allinfo)
Hitbox (3)(unlag version)
Optimized Size
Say System is now can be edited easily
Lua name now is "pointsystem.lua" instead of "pointscript.lua"
Written data, it have been better now, save from v0.4 can to converted with
MikuAuahDark has written
Why the updates takes so long?
this is because im very busy because working for Real-Life Rolelife and i currently forgot what features that have been added at v0.5 so i need to rewrite the code(maybe the whole code to make it smaller)
this is because im very busy because working for Real-Life Rolelife and i currently forgot what features that have been added at v0.5 so i need to rewrite the code(maybe the whole code to make it smaller)
edited 24×, last 29.09.12 01:01:22 pm
Approved by Seekay
8 kb, 684 Downloads