It would be very useful for me.

EDIT: Still need help...anyone?

edited 1×, last 30.12.10 10:05:26 am
seconds = 0 player_count = 0 addhook("join","count_players") function count_players() 	if( seconds < 51840000 ) then 		player_count = player_count + 1 	end end
seconds = 0 player_count = 0 players = {} addhook("join","count_players") function count_players(id) 	if( seconds < 51840000 ) then 		if( players[player(id,"usgn")] != nil ) 			-- Do nothing coz the person has already been registered... 		else 			players[player(id,"usgn")] 			player_count = player_count + 1 		end 	end end
seconds = 0 player_count = 0 players = {} addhook("join","count_players") function count_players(id) 	if( seconds < 51840000 ) then 		if( players[player(id,"ip")] != nil ) 			-- Do nothing coz the person has already been registered... 		else 			players[player(id,"ip")] 			player_count = player_count + 1 		end 	end end
addhook("join","add_player") maxPlayers = {} function add_player() 	local"%d-%m-%Y") 	if(#player(0,"table")>maxPlayers[d]) then maxPlayers[d]=#player(0,"table") end end