Hey, i know how to use rcon to bind key to set hp
bind "1" "rcon setmaxhealth [id] [ammount]"
But how do i bind two players o.O !?
I tryed these 2
bind "1" "rcon setmaxhealth [id],[id] [ammount]"
bind "1" "rcon setmaxhealth [id];[id] [ammount]"
But nothing works
Now im doubting that it is possible?
Please help, and if it isnt then ill just bind 2 keys
Admin/mod comment
please note: binding and stuff goes to the scripting section as well! moved /DC try that
bind "1" "rcon setmaxhealth [id1] [ammount]; setmaxhealth [id2] [ammount]" Nope, it only heals the first ID
Edit: Got it, 1
bind "1" "rcon setmaxhealth [id] [ammount]; setmaxhealth [id] [ammount]
You dont need rcon on second one, thx for the help! I said exactly same thing.
Vectar666 has written
I said exactly same thing.

Lol, Vectar666 said it before and Yates got it and saying same thing what said Vectar666. What the l0lz. Simply do...
If server admin then
bind "j" "sethealth 2 1;sethealth 3 1"
If you have rcon access then
bind "j" "rcon sethealth 2 1;rcon sethealth 3 1"
This will set the health of ID's 2 and 3 to 1(hp) if they exist... I don't know if there is another way... you could do it easier with a Lua script though.
edited 1×, last 23.01.11 06:43:03 pm
Lol, then I oversaw it, my bad
Edit: kimkat, you don't need rcon on the second sethealth.. Yates has written
Lol, then I oversaw it, my bad
Edit: kimkat, you don't need rcon on the second sethealth..
Well, ok. I just thought that you needed to issue the rcon command together with each command, so yea my bad. I did the same
But then it said you are the server, you dont need to use rcon.. probly because i already had rcon in the command.. So much for fighting clanwars on your server Yates...
By the way, sometimes if you screw up with multiple commands in 1 line the server crashes. Happened to me a few times. DC Admin
this might (but shouldn't) happen if the line is very long.
as you already noted: rcon counts for the WHOLE line. everything after it will be executed on the server.
this means: ONE rcon is ALWAYS enough. you never need two or more.
rcon (take a look at WARNING and the sample)