Hİii,How can I create a gun spawner wall??
i want;
every 10 second wall a spawn pistolgun
how i can make ?
(sry my ing bad)
edited 7×, last 30.01.11 09:45:02 pm
Admin/mod comment
Pushing/bumping is forbidden. Read the rules! /TKD do a delay which triggers item (set it for 10 seconds)
and I think you will need to make a trigger_start (which triggers the env_delay)
P.S : my english setts too lol -WHiTe SHaRK- has written
do a delay which triggers item (set it for 10 seconds)
and I think you will need to make a trigger_start (which triggers the env_delay)
P.S : my english setts too lol
nonono i want make on lua Then I can't help. Sorry,in lua I suck x-files it's faster and better to make it with editor. no editor can be this ?
anyone -build wall- 3 and wall 3 every 10 second spawn pistol gun ?
editor is suck
and no one understand what you mean. i think he meant that he wants a supply makes a kind of weapon every 10 seconds He needs somekind of Lua that spawns weapon inside a wall tile. But why? that doesn't make sense, if it's not a func_DynWall of course. As you cannot enter a wall... but you can open a func_DynWall to grab the gun.
To do this you would need to check for the entity of the "Func_DynWall" together with it's name, so that if it exists then spawn weapon on it's tile otherwise.
Let's say we create a entity Func_DynWall.
Name: w_wall1
Property: (Wall)
Then you make the Lua script and check for it. edited 1×, last 30.01.11 06:28:03 pm
function tripleturretkill(id,type,x,y,mode,objectid)
if objectid==5 then
parse ("spawnitem 4 "..(x-1).." "..(y-1))
I imagine doing this much, but was wrong 1
function wall_wep(wepid,x,y,lruo)
	if lruo == "l" then
		parse("spawnitem "..wepid.." "..(x-1).." "..y)
	elseif lruo == "r" then
		parse("spawnitem "..wepid.." "..(x+1).." "..y)
	elseif lruo == "u" then
		parse("spawnitem "..wepid.." "...." "..(y+1))
	elseif lruo == "o" then
		parse("spawnitem "..wepid.." "..x.." "..(y-1))
Call the function with wall_wep(weapon_id,walls X,walls Y,orientation)
orientation must be :
l = left
r = right
u = under
o = over
Hope it works! no it doesnt work dude
I got it.
You want to get script which makes wallIII act like a supply. So, you build a wall, and this wall spawn guns, right?
P.S. Please, don't "push" again. I think he wants gun that creates walls instead of shooting. Vectar666 has written
I got it.
You want to get script which makes wallIII act like a supply. So, you build a wall, and this wall spawn guns, right?
P.S. Please, don't "push" again.
yes vectar right you make this lua for me ? ok...
every 10 second a pistol, you say?
what pistol exactly? there are 6 pistols, what pistol you want to spawn?