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English Hi guys'n'girls!

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Poll Poll

Are yo ready for another stranded 2 mod? (eng)

Only registered users are allowed to vote
0.00% (0)
Yes, With More Units!
1.67% (0)
Yes, With More Items!
0.00% (0)
Yes, With More Objects!
1.67% (0)
Yes, With More Objects/Items
0.00% (0)
Yes, With More Items/Units
0.00% (0)
Yes, With More Objects/units
0.00% (0)
Yes, With More Objects/Units/Items
3.33% (1)
1.67% (0)
No, Too Many Units!
0.00% (0)
No, Too Many Objects!
0.00% (0)
No, Too Many Items!
0.00% (0)
No, Too Many Units/Items!
0.00% (0)
No, Too Many Objects/Items!
0.00% (0)
No, Too Many Units/Objects!
0.00% (0)
No, Too Many Objects/Units/Items!
0.00% (0)
Yes, But In My Language Too!
0.00% (0)
Yes, But A New Texture Pack!
6.67% (1)
Yes, To All Of The Above.
15.00% (3)
No, To All Of The Above.
0.00% (0)
18 votes cast

old Poll Hi guys'n'girls!

User Off Offline

[Please Be Honest Voting On The Poll]

Hello, im MimiICk, just recently joined these forums after finding stranded 2, it seems to be a very modable game and im interested in further expanding what i know about scripting for stranded 2.

I've figured out how to add items, item combi's, buildings, building unlocks/materials required, units, unit info, unit/building texture's, Random map creator/spawns and playerinfo/spawninfo.

There is a few things i cant figure out though and would like help with,

first thing being,
- how to make my diary work on spawn?.

I have been using alot of pre-made code from the game, and when i made my game mode, i added a ;stdiary on spawn, but it wont pop up on spawn.

- What programs can i use to open the models in the gfx fle?

I want to be able to change the model of a unit, rather han changing the icons.

- How do i make friendly or "tamed" units attack an enemy?

I have noticed that a tamed unit wll only follow you, i want to know if i can make them attack my enemies.

They are my 3 main concerns.
If someone could get back to me with a respone it would be appreciated.

Regards MimiICk

old Re: Hi guys'n'girls!

Assassin moder
User Off Offline

Hi I help You with models
•You can use:
∗DeleD CE 3D is very easy and I use it (need download .b3d plugins! Program has import .3ds, export/import .x plugins)
°Blender is hard to make something (need too download .b3d plugins)
°3Ds Max Not freeware You need to buy it! (you can make .3ds files, but I don't know it is possible to make .b3d file)
°Wings 3D Texturing is HARD! (Haven't got .b3d plugins)
MilkShape 3D realy good but too not freeware. (It save to .ms3d format

Game read these formats:
.x .3ds .b3d .ms3d

Good Working!

old Re: Hi guys'n'girls!

User Off Offline

DeleD is actually harder than Blender. Well, atleast it is harder than the 2.49 version.

If you try Blender, don't go for version 2.5! It is hard as fuck to learn in and even harder to use. ( especially at a beginners level )

old Re: Hi guys'n'girls!

Super User Off Offline

user Assassin moder has written
Game read these formats:
.x .3ds .b3d .ms3d

I'm pretty sure it does not read .ms3d files, though you can export .b3d files with milkshape3d.

user Mimiick has written
first thing being,
- how to make my diary work on spawn?.

I have been using alot of pre-made code from the game, and when i made my game mode, i added a ;stdiary on spawn, but it wont pop up on spawn.

isn't ";stdiary" blitzbasic code or something?
if so, this doesn't work in S2.
you have to write something like this into the global scipt box:
on:start {
	diary "TITLE"1;
then place a textcontainer info on the map, click on it again, check its ID, remember it and replace the 1 in the script above with this ID.
then you can write the text of the diary entry into the scripbox of the textcontainer as normal text.

if you're not working on a specific map you can also create a new file e.g. in the sys folder. if you for instance call it "diary.s2s" then you can replace the 1 in the script above like this:
diary "TITLE""sys/diary.s2s";
then write the text right into this file as normal text.

user Mimiick has written
- What programs can i use to open the models in the gfx fle?

I want to be able to change the model of a unit, rather han changing the icons.

if you want to use milkshape3d (it costs but it's really good, especially for beginners!) then you have to use "biturn" in order to change the format of these files into .ms3d. be careful though, because it might happen that some of the textures get messed up because biturn creates some useless textures with the same name as the original textures but in .jpg format upon changing the format of the model.
also, if you use milkshape, don't use biturn to bring the models back into .b3d format after you're done with them.
milkshape has it's own export function and biturn really messes things up when changing the format from .ms3d to .b3d!

user Mimiick has written
- How do i make friendly or "tamed" units attack an enemy?

I have noticed that a tamed unit wll only follow you, i want to know if i can make them attack my enemies

well, there have been several attempts to reach the very same thing as you want but as far as I know none of them really works.

but another user, Mc Leaf, is working on a huge source code update (with many other things along this) where this is possible very easily:

old Re: Hi guys'n'girls!

User Off Offline

Thanks for the info mate, ill try out your diary solution now.

P.S just tried it , i have a small issue,

on:start {
diary "TITLE", 1;
then place a textcontainer info on the map, click on it again, check its ID, remember it and replace the 1 in the script above with this ID.
then you can write the text of the diary entry into the scripbox of the textcontainer as normal text.

When i done this, it worked, i then decided to change what it said, and now i have 8 stranded entrys in my diary, how do i get rid of the ones i dont want? i have already deleted the text containers.
edited 1×, last 07.06.11 05:30:10 pm

old Re: Hi guys'n'girls!

Super User Off Offline

have you written the diary command into a areal trigger with the command on:trigger in front of it?
bacause this could be a reason for the amount of diary entries.

in this case use a variable which checks whether the trigger has been triggered and if yes, it doesnt trigger again:
on:trigger {
	if($trigger_variable==0) {
		diary "Title"1;

if this is not the case, please explain what you did more exactly.

More >

oh, btw: you might want to change the title of this thread to something that that's about the content of the thread, otherwise it might get closed...
edited 1×, last 07.06.11 06:55:12 pm

old Re: Hi guys'n'girls!

Assassin moder
User Off Offline

I prefer DeleD CE 3D Becous it very simply for me (I don't know it's harder for you) and in Blender I can't Install .b3d Plugin and edit anything in it (I can doing something in blender but I forgot HOW! )

old Re: Hi guys'n'girls!

User Off Offline

thanks Hurri04, ill look into your fix asap.

I downloaded DeleD, but i am clueless with it haha, for someone to go from using source sdk to make simple maps and triggers to something with alot more coding envolved is a big step, ive already made alot of progress aswell, 3 days and i have almost double the content, although some of it hasnt been created by me, but all credit will be given to those responsible.

I have a good idea, but ill need help with it, im still very much so ameteur at moddeling, but i need a few models made, one being a shotgun barrel,trigger,chamber and butt, other being pistol grip, pistol barrel and chamber.

I plan on remaking alot of stranded 2 to make it more realistic in combinations, that iis one of my main focuses on this hole venture, adding more combi's more items more puzzle solving chalenges that envolve combi work.

Along with that im implamenting a few new units, objects and "boss" monsters

aswell as,

adding atleast 15-20 more buildings, some of which can be built by the player and combi'd to make bigger buildings, i have the basis for everything here down,a stable ground to work on, but i am still newbie too the world of coding, so i am going to need the forums help along the way, probably alot, i also wouldnt mind finding a person with experience in modellng and teturizing for that matter, the rest is just trial and error really.

I am also going to create an "adventure" a series of single island whch hopefully i can figure out a way to link them so its a continous adventure rather then stopping and starting to load a new map.

Movies scenes, audio clips and replacement of a few textures will give my mod the realistic and fun edge over any other that has been released to date.

If you have any ideas or suggestions youd like to see implamented into a survival game, by all means leave them here, the chances are ill use it in some way.

Anyway, thats my idea for the future, some possible, some soon to be possible,

Regards MimiICk

P.s i realise some of this isnt possible with the code provided, i will make it possible and any help i can have along the way would be great.

P.s.s in 3 days ive just about doubled the content, this will be quiet a big mod, luckily it will be free to everyone so f the file ends up being in the 1-2gig range people dont have to dl it if they dont want too.

old Re: Hi guys'n'girls!

Super User Off Offline

ok, so maybe I should tell you that I've seen quite some newbs here who ended up presenting themselves as noobs because they opened a thread and told the world about their absolutely new and fantastic and great and awesome and wonderful mod and after a couple of days they made another post saying "I quit the work, it's all too much to do, too complicated" and stuff like that.

so before you sell the bear's hide, go hunt him down first, means you should work on your mod and if you got some stuff done, make some screenshots or videos and present it to us, best in regular updates so we see you're really making progress.

further, take your time if you really want to provide something really good because if you clash a mod together within 2 weeks, it most likely will have a ton of bugs and thus it wont make much fun to play it.
also make sure that you are familiar with the scripting in S2 since this is one of the most important aspects when creating a mod, among modelling.

therefore you also should also get a good modelling program that you can handle, because maybe some people will make one or two or maybe even a couple of models for you but at some point they might get tired or you want some model to look a little different so you definately have to learn to model yourself.

mapping, creating camera flights and that stuff are only small things which belong to the very end of a mod project since you have to add new objects/items/units/combis first.

and remember: the amount of new content won't win you any price if it is mixed together wildly. make some thoughts about how the different things you have added can relate to each other and whether the general ambiance fits (don't mix polar stuff with things from a wild west city or something like that).
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