New attraction added. Practice aiming a little, the motivation is obvious

Here's a video
What will be the most awesome thing of this map?
What must be in every proper casino?
Of course ROULETTE
I'll show you how to build a nice roulette without new objects or without having to tinker in the files.
First I just placed a few marble plates...

Then I did some scaling using

But I wasn't satisfied with the layout which was made just roughly, so I used this script, which created all lines and columns of the number plates.

This is the result, you can see nicely shaped lines and columns. Then we will use

colors 2:colors 2:color

Then I had real problem to work out how to make actual roulette wheel. It's more like a decoration, but I wanted it to look nice. Who will guess which object I used to make the "wheel" ;)? Hint: I used

And here's the final result in the game. This is my favorite text script, who will guess what did I use, I'll give him a cookie

So the roulette is built, now I'll "just" make it actually work
EDIT: The roulette is working now. Here is a video
and please someone comment Ive been working on it for 25 hours with breaks without sleep
edited 6×, last 06.08.11 08:24:20 pm