P.S-Though I have read a dozen times that blender can export as B3D,I am not able to do that.So, I'm using Biturn to convert exported 3ds into B3D.

Cannot export texture.
2 replies

P.S-Though I have read a dozen times that blender can export as B3D,I am not able to do that.So, I'm using Biturn to convert exported 3ds into B3D.
this should automatically happen when the textures are in the same folder as your model file when you apply them to your model.
you should put everything (models + textures) in the gfx folder when finished.
unfortunately I don't know how to check/change this in blender. I never used blender but that's how it works in other 3d software.
And I forgot to say one thing.One model of a cooked mushroom which I made using DeleD had textures and looked beautiful for a newbie like me.It didn't needed the picture of textures too.Just the model.I want to post a picture but don't know how to.