
Rocket launcher on raptor island?
7 replies

you can also just use cheats instead of editing the map.
attention: cheats might ruin the game for you
Item of type 81 is undefined! Are you sure that you are using the right mod/version for this map?
I tested it out again by restoring all items in the weapons file to normal, and the map loads fine, but when I edit out just the rocket launcher, it throws that error...
Is there a way to see and edit the adventure islands?
you can load all adventure maps with the map editor and change them as you want.
commenting out items which are used by a map doesn't work! the map tries to find them and can't find them because you commented them out. it is forced to throw an error in that case because the stuff might be essential for the map to work properly.
There is a rocket launcher at adventure mode?

But, that problem is rather strange. >.>
I'm going to work on seeing ~just~ how hard it is to locate in game and then decide if I want to leave it in the game or now.
I'm working up a version I don't mind my 8 year old playing, namely taking the drug references out. I'm also adding in some more combinations, making it able to make more of the weapons in game and some of the other buildings.
And, because he is an 8 year old boy, I'm going to work out a way to ride the lions, not just the raptors, and make the monkeys throw poo. I'm thinking of going along the lines of zelda chicken kicken setup, so if you throw poo at a monkey too much, it throws some back.
Just put that script on a lion and should be good to go.
And some way to tame it, otherwise it will kill the player the moment you jump on it.