The Stranded II Mod Starter is now multilanguage. So i created also a english thread about it.
edited 1×, last 27.01.07 08:24:29 pm
Admin/mod comment
Made it sticky (4-5 2007) /EwokChieftain i beg you put it on another site, i can't access funpic! Why, is there something wrong with your browser settings?
I never heard anywhere that funpic was blacklisted in any system... every time i click on a "funpic" link it redirects me to
and it says Keine Berechtigung.
Richte auch du Deine kostenlose Homepage beim kostenlosen Webspace bei ein.
and then i enter the main page odd. whenever I tried it, it was fine
Perhaps try another borwser, or change some of the settings (cookies, proxy and stuff. best is cookies on and no proxy)
@stealth: would you please check over the rights of your files?
They should appear in the FTP-Client as rwxr-xr-x or 755 or something. Actually it should work...
The only thing because of which it could not work is that you dont allow cookies.
Because i build in a protection against hotlinking which forces you to allow cookies because funpic puts your session id only in cookies and so 
The rights should be ok too.
Do you have still problems? i could upload it on another site edited 1×, last 09.04.07 01:56:47 pm
I tried opening the zip but it gave me an unexpected end of archive. Download it again.
@stealth: would be good if you add checksums and a link to a checksum program. And a hint for every downloader to tell them what to do A checksum? Isnt that confusing?
Nevertheless i m creating a new website and i dont have the files for the old website even more.
I could download them again but
lets wait for the new website ok? then see my post as an idea for your new site
And no, checksums shouldn't be confusing, if you explain what they are for. Every time I redownload it, it keeps giving me another 'unexpected' end of archive. Not really unexpected any more. Is it because I'm opening it with WinRar? I deleted the website right now cause its really embarrassing 
I uploaded a few files which you can download directly from the server until i have finished my new website.
You should try downloading it again.. I have an error..... I cant use it
action number 3
of creat Event
for object dafehltwas:
Tryig to read from undefined INI file
Help I guess you have to put the ini-file which came with the download into the same dir as the modstarter (the dir of stranded II) ERROR in
action number 3
of Create Event
for object dafehltwas:
Trying to read from undefined INI file
Heres a thing from modstarter english it says that every time I try to launch it howd do I use it on kidnap mod? I tryed to go to the dowload site [with accept all cookies 'on']
it keeps making me go to here
why cant I download it if i cant get to it
put it on media fire please
if you still live i give you 
(not this one for no reason
well as this old thread is still the first result when hunting for this utility for stranded 2 I figured since it hasn't been linked to the right part of the site I should share the link
its somewhere in the user submitted content area by the stealth guy who made this thread
just posting incase anyone ends up needing it