This is thread for my Template mod, it is basis for all my different mods which screenshots and video you can see in this thread.
I am satisfied a realistic style. In my opinion it looks better than cartoonish style with black outlines.
If you think otherwise - that you can change the style of skins in any mod, it will not change anything except skins.
In any case, I just wanted to experiment with сs2d, different genres, themes, ... so on (etc.)
And I think it is possible - in fact the "camera control" script allows... for example, to turn shooter into a strategy... or into top down rpg.
Camera control will be work for all mods.
I already test it in game - for 14 players with no more than 120 ping it works good.

All my mod is standalone - when it will be released - you can install a mod folder into the standard game folder, and it do not change your standart files (the mod will be installed in a separate folder)
So at this moment already fine works some scripts and systems:
Scripts for non standart movement (like player jumps, moving platforms, and so on ...)
Non-standard weapons or "skills
Free camera - it is controlled by mouse and can be not tied to character.
Mouse control - it look like as control is in Diablo - left/right click for select(or attack)/move(or jump)
or Full keyboard control - as control is in standart cs2d - if player presses down key - then character will move / attack in that direction.
Or Hybrid control(it not finished but can be changed by player).
6-layers virtual persons (left-leg/right-leg/left-arm/right-arm/body/head) or other virtual objects (npc, items, different things).
Different systems of shoot/attack (Realistic Style - bullet fly in a random point of the aim-circle (Gaussian distribution it depends of weapon characteristics) under the mouse pointer. Or RPG Style - player click(chose) at target and if it is enemy and it is in range then character will automatically attack it(look like as warcraft).
Additionally system of сhanging color of daylight throughout the day(24 min or set time)
+ system of weather (random start for rain or snow (intensity changes depends time), 2-layers "seamless" moving fog/low clouds which moving with different speed it look like as wind, "wind" parameter - it shakes and rolls the trees crone and change direction for flow of water caustics)
+ simulating of fake 3d trees, and its falling.
+ fragmentation of explosions
mods work with all standart cs2d modes and my variation of "king of the hill" mode
+ simple quests - like "kill 10 spiders, collect 20 branches, go to npc, ..."
and some others scripts and systems.
+ added multiplay weapons variation and feature with shooting of the two hands, including with hands in side.
+ planets orbit the center of the map (there will be a star)
+ added dynamic glow effect at some light object
+ added "spaceship parking" at planets
Ok there will be latest screenshots of my mods:

Please Wait some time to see images
And I'm not a very good scripter - so I will appreciate any help with this.
So if you are a scripter and want to help me then i suggest you to changing foundation for your mod(if it is)on basis of my Template Mod.
Including all the features that it already has.
So your mod still remain yours, just changes camera and some others options.
My main condition - prohibited to show the source code to the public.
I have a way to make the source code unreadable and difficult to crack, but game will continues to perform it.
Some screens of features:

edited 27×, last 08.03.17 11:32:56 pm