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English Template Mod

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Poll Poll

Which of temporary mods do you like more?

Only registered users are allowed to vote
Tanks battle
65.00% (26)
Airplanes encounter
2.50% (1)
Starships skirmish
0.00% (0)
Sea fight
5.00% (2)
RPG arena
15.00% (6)
Robots war
0.00% (0)
Mass Effect or Sci-fi arena
2.50% (1)
Remake of classic CS2D gameplay
10.00% (4)
40 votes cast

old Re: Template Mod

User Off Offline

I will appreciate any of your help)
I still suggest to unite all good scripters and programmers in our community - and develop this mod (i mean main-basis("template mod"), then you can use all scripts, systems and functions to create or update your own mods.
All the mods, which are shown in the screenshots is just blanks for further improvement. This is one reason why there is still no release of it.
edited 2×, last 16.07.14 10:03:09 am

old Re: Template Mod

Reviewer Off Offline

@user Pagyra: I would like to see the script before I offer help to build this template. You can PM me either a part of the code or a screenshot. If it's scripted decently then I am prepared to help out.

I would also like to know the layout. If it's all in one .lua file or multiple such as functions, basic lua functions, settings, possible admin file etc.

old Re: Template Mod

User Off Offline

Interesting idea.
I want to help him to play faster and is not the strength to endure
edited 3×, last 16.07.14 02:56:25 pm

old Re: Template Mod

User Off Offline


I'm trying to add more details for tank images, with using the procedure bumpmapping and metallic surfaces, and do it for tiles and other sprites too.
In my opinion it makes graphics more realistic, and adds fake sense of three-dimensional images.
But that's a lot of work and very sad that there is no helpers.

Some top down skins for @user SDKey: 's chess project.
edited 4×, last 27.01.15 08:06:35 pm

old Hmm

User Off Offline

Hmm i wish i can help because this is the most perfect mod i've ever saw, I'm not a professional on Scripting/Mapping i just know some of the basics. also i don't know GFX things but maybe i'l learn today a day.

old Re: Template Mod

User Off Offline

I would like to show you my old attempt to make a map for my space mod(there is no lua code only mapping and ). (I apologize there poor quality of GIF image and loading time)
And some work with animation and fake/pseudo 3D

Some work with @user SDKey: at Radial menu script
edited 16×, last 10.04.15 10:31:25 pm

old Re: Template Mod

Moderator Off Offline

@user Pagyra: When i see these screenshots links it make me like you'll can't finish the development of all those modifications of CS2D.
By the way, the first screenshot with Sun and planets looks interesting.

old Re: Template Mod

User Off Offline

Radar and headshot scripts

I still need good mappers to create maps for my mods.
edited 5×, last 16.03.16 09:58:27 pm

old Re: Template Mod

Reviewer Off Offline

Can someone close this already? Kind of annoying to see it getting bumped every 5 years with no extra information towards the mod itself.

It's pretty much a dead mod pretending to still be alive.


old Re: Template Mod

User Off Offline

@user Pagyra: Someone went mad.

I must admit that it's annoying. How long does it take to make a mod? More than 2 years? It's only bumping imo.

old Re: Template Mod

Idiot Off Offline

user Pagyra has written
user Yates: has written
Can someone
ban Yates?
He is
user Yates: has written
pretty much a dead
user Yates: has written
pretending to still be alive.

So in your opinion we should ban inactive users?
There goes the majority of the userbase then.

old Small update

User Off Offline


Here is a link to a video overview of the current progress so it does not show all features and possibilities are included in our mod.

old Re: Template Mod

User On Online

• 1)When could you finish that? Looks like it will never happened!
You upload this video.. okay.. you making it.. but.. it's show really nothing.. Are you already had one video on your youtube channel. and it's identical..
There is any changes? :
• 2)Is it possible to change the guns and their shells?
• 3)There is automatic loading system guns?
• 4)There is modules? and their critical hits, destroying?
• 5)Considered a penetration through? And the alpha of armor of the tank?
• 6)Have different shells?- (rus - ББ, БП, КС, ОФ)?
• 7)There is collision with walls?
• 8)There is different accuracy while rotating tower tank and the tank? while moving? different speed? after shoot?
• 9)There is different accuracy for shells?
• 10)There is no tracers and it's different colours?
There is no different shell's speed? and for every guns? and Gun+Shell?
• 11)There is splashes exists and it's different size for every barrel?(HE, 30 mm, 75mm, 100mm, etc.)
The video quality is not really good to see the effects.. • 12)Maybe would you like to make in good quality video with the answers on my questions?
Have a nice day..

P.s- there is no helpers? are you alone? There a lot of peoples wanted to help you.. they did?
Or they just asking for it's code and saying that you are too long and not helped at all?

old Re: Template Mod

User Off Offline

At this moment, I am deeply immersed in visual change all aspects of mod to improve its graphic to look like this view.IMG:
And due to lack in our community mapmakers, ill try to make some good maps for it.

old Re: Template Mod

Reviewer Off Offline

I would really like to help you, @user Pagyra to finish modification this as soon as possible.Because everybody is excited to play this as you see.
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