Moreover as I have already said - in case of good work these mappers can earn 10-30 €.
In case of tank mod I want to limit number of players to 8-10.
And I want to implement different gamemodes for it depending on map (it will be interesting to use player voting and map rotation).
1st map - 2 bases and 1 line between bases
2nd map - 2 bases and 2 lines between bases + 1 place with bonus in center of map + 3-4 transition path between lines
3rd map - 2 bases and 3 lines between bases + 2 places with bonuses + 6-8 transitions path between lines
4th map - for Capture (King of Hill) mode - map shape is round or look like circle - 1 base on center of map - and all players spawn on corners of map - They must destroy enemy base and protect their base it time limit.
5th map - for Arena mode - map shape is round or look like circle - 2 bases + 4-6 places with bonuses along edges of circle
6th map - 2 spawn places for teams and 3-5 bases on 1 line + 9-11 transition paths between bases
7th map - 2 spawn places for teams and 3-5 bases on 2 lines + 9-11 transition paths between bases + 1 place with bonus in center of map
8th map - 2 spawn places for teams and 3-5 bases on 3 lines + 9-11 transition paths between bases + 2 places with bonuses in center of map
This is only my sketches for maps and modes and you can offer your variants for maps and modes.
What is the size of the tank looks better (640x480)?

edited 2×, last 07.04.16 11:54:56 am