Can anyone explain what this error(s) means and how to fix?

What kind of error?
3 replies

Can anyone explain what this error(s) means and how to fix?
This means that either your connection or a connection on the other side (one of the connected players) is either broken completely or overloaded. Not a single attempt out of 20 to send a UDP message succeeded.

I got the problem today again in the middle of the hosting. The server was hosted in more than 3 hours or something and suddenly these messages was turning in the dedicated.... And all the players was forced to leave the server cause of lagg. Can you, DC, please tell me how to fix this.
Is that DDos or something?
By closing the application that used up all the sockets should fix it. But you may have to wait until the sockets has died before attempting to launch the dedicated server again. Restarting the PC may also fix this problem but that is if really necessary.