
natives and hemp guys
10 replies

and another question if i post any boat with the map edito can i somehow get it and get outa there?
skiper has written
how can he increase my power?
and another question if i post any boat with the map edito can i somehow get it and get outa there?
and another question if i post any boat with the map edito can i somehow get it and get outa there?
you give the native bread and he meditates with you (+5 Health) or make Fight Training (+5 Strength). In a metaphorical way (no animations) of course.
With the boat: right mouse button->menu point over the rucksack (values or so, already forgotten)->go on boat.
something this way.

edited 2×, last 06.01.07 09:16:38 am
stones are everywere! those gray thingies
skiper has written
edit3:where do i find logs and stones? 

use a ahammer with the big stones to get the item "stone".

i thought that (to) find is an irregular verb

Like I said before. This topic is way off being just one stable topic.