At first I had planned to keep this translation just to myself, hoping that someone will translate this mod. No one did, so that's why I am here. I did a major job, thougn I am stuck at some point.
I started this at begining of this year. I abandoned it for some time, but this time I'll (hopefully) finish this work. I need some help, but I'll release this after being sure, that my work is 100% complete and has no problems(or a little). So be aware: there will be updates.
Things that are done(

As you can see from the list, translation is like 97-99% complete for "Random Island" mode. I just need to finish "Adventure" mode, Editor and fix some problems.
P.S. I own only translation, I mean just text. But If I need a permision for this or causing trouble, then contact me through Messages. We will discuss this.
P.S.S. If someone wants to help me, then contact me through Messages.
edited 3×, last 01.07.16 12:09:29 pm