
Cant uninstall skin(?)
9 replies

Please note that the original skins have in fact been replaced by the stuff that

Sorry for calling skins ugly smn, just didnt like them. Was there poll or something choosing new skin or something?

I had these what masae mentioned, thanks a lot. So i have to open launcher each time i play cs2d since these changes dont save? Can this be fixed?
Create BAT file in Laucher next time and run the game with what you created.

Was there poll or something choosing new skin or something?
Was there?

The game was used smn's skins because it's has smoother outlines.You can compare normal skins and smn's skin?which best.I dont mean i hate normal or smn one.I like them both as they can be modified.
edited 1×, last 01.08.16 08:17:13 am