Hi all users
in the next version of zombie plague extreme , i have add many surprises for you all , but now , i need some ideas (extra-items : just like golden ak47) so can anyone help me with it's code ?
We need your ideas guys ! we'll make it the best zm mod in cs2d history
Thanks in advance !
Admin/mod comment
golden m4a1, golden deagle, golden everything Avo User
So basically, you have a surprise for us, but you need ideas and code. Good.
TrialAndError: you forgot about golden hats and golden chat colour. I'm preparing the code at the moment. Want anything accompanied else? @
Masea: Nop , the other things i have prepare them
, i need only this code
Admin/mod comment
Unnecessary quote removed. /
GeoB99 Edit: I just looked up what you needed:
- When you use this weapon you have unlimited ammo -- Can (may?) be done.
- This weapons has more damage [ Default x5 ] -- I don't know (without affecting the other ak47's)
- This weapon has AUG zoom [attack2] -- No
- Show the way of the bullets -- Can be done
I may create one for you if you wait a bit. edited 1×, last 18.06.17 02:05:03 pm
TrialAndError: Yes that what i want
, im waiting for you , and i hope you will send me the code in PM Admin/mod comment
Unnecessary quote removed. /
GeoB99 BcY Reviewer
Please add golden knife.
what is zombie mod ?
BcY has written
Please add golden knife.

we'll try to do it
_3yrus has written
what is zombie mod ?

a mod that is about zombies Hi, good afternoon, I was looking at the comments and I saw that you are giving ideas to the ZMPL. If I could I would like you to add a style map to a forest and to be more realistic put lightning at night and heavy rain. I would like you to leave the ammo packs system of yesteryear, you could add new zombies if possible to not stay in the same thing as always, and also would like the map to have a systems of real hours of each country if possible. Apart from that the game is in your hands
We are anxious.
From: Brazil
By: alalalslslsl
Tonton Lass Hi,
in my new surprises as well , i added new zombies ( and new models) , about map , i'm not working in it right now , we'll do as soon as possible
apex2d: Did you just say "nice" to a nothing? Seems legit
The New Update will be soon ! edited 1×, last 06.10.17 03:15:03 am
Admin/mod comment
Please don't push if you don't have anything to show yet. /Starkkz