Servers File transfer bug File transfer bug
8 replies Server sends all files except 1 file, what's the problem?
NET: Transmission of 'sfx/utsounds/music/rstart.ogg' failed (no data received) Maybe it is too big or not in the transferlist? None of the above,
there are about 30 files and 4 of them over 1MB.
3 big files are sent but 1 of them (second in size) does show that error
Also it works nicely if I manually place it in game folder DC Admin Online
are you sure that the filename in the transfer list is correct?
Is it really rstart and not restart? I think it would show another error in that case but I'm not sure. I looked at servers transfer file and it had exactly same names. But I tried copy-paste the original sound file name and replaced it anyway. It looked exactly the same but now file transfer works, my guess is maybe different language keyboards can produce similar letter but game treats it as different symbol. I don't know honestly 1. Make sure it is rstart.ogg, not rstart.OGG
2. Upload that file on zippyshare.com Well it was exactly the same, even the capital letters. I didn't change anything just re pasted the title haha. It works after that DC Admin Online
Weird. Maybe there was a strange whitespace char somewhere which didn't get stripped properly and made things explode.