I have 0 knowledge about mods.

Transparent weapons using mods
6 replies

I have 0 knowledge about mods.
I guess the mod transfer stuff is still a bit broken though (?) not sure if that works as intended.
servertransfer.lstfile I get this for every file:
ERROR: mod files are not allowed in servertransfer.lst: ...
mod files are not allowed in servertransfer.lst

The point is that you don't have to add them there. Mod files are transferred automatically if you enable a mod on the server. No need to add them to any list.
IMPORTANT!!! When installing mods on a server, you can add mod files to servertransfer.lst - simply add lines of the format "mods/MODNAME/..." for each mod file. These files will be transferred to clients and stored in a special mod cache. Depending on the clients' settings (Options -> Net), the cache may be cleared regularly or kept indefinitely.
A little misleading I guess...