
is it possible to add counter-strafing to the game
5 replies

Are you aware that movement in CS2D - by default - doesn't even affect accuracy? Therefore adding counter-strafing doesn't really work. Also I don't see how this would make any skill gap more fair. It would increase the gap and hence make the game more difficult to play for newbies and make pros even stronger. This is actually something I don't want to happen.
Or do I misundertand something? If so: Can you please clarify what exactly you are talking about?

See also this video:
In CS2D I don't believe you have movement acceleration so you just pull off perfect "counter-strafes" without much thought into it...
So yeah question becomes "Does CS2D really benefit from adding movement inaccuracy and movement acceleration when it's far past its glory days"?
edited 3×, last 25.08.24 10:03:27 am

One of my key goals with CS2D's design always was and still is to make it a fun and easily accessible game where also newbies have a good chance to get some kills and enjoy it.